Name processing
When interacting with Nad Name Service smart-contracts directly, note that names are not stored in their human readable format. We must process the name before it can be used by a smart-contract by execute below steps in order:
Name normalization
Name hash
Name normalization
Normalization is the process of standardizing a name before passing it through the Namehash algorithm. It's crucial to normalize all input consistently, as even a small variation, such as a difference between uppercase and lowercase letters, can result in a completely different namehash.
For example, Salmo.Nad
normalizes to salmo.nad
. This ensures that no matter how the user types in the name, the correct node is used.
Using viem:
Using ethersjs(v6):
You must normalize names before creating a namehash.
In NNS core smart-contracts, names are stored as a hash instead of the raw string for optimization purpose. The hashed value is called a node
, which is a hex-encoded 32-byte value that is derived from the name using the namehash
algorithm from ENS ENSIP-1.
Using viem:
Using ethersjs(v6):
Last updated